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.: Dubai Play Time :.
  Server Address: (Offline) Current Map: None Last Update: 50339 minutes ago  
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Whisper: Salaam guys.. this website obviously needs lots of updating.. Its been a looong time.. Do you think I should update this website? And if yes, which game shall it host? (4:41 AM 20-09-2024)       ^ThE-K!ll3r^: Wow this website is still running (11:01 PM 27-07-2024)       I aM N00B: Also Ramadan Mubarak (11:38 AM 21-03-2024)       I aM N00B: I come here often to read messages and go through the site. (11:38 AM 21-03-2024)       I aM N00B: Hello everyone, happy new year (11:37 AM 21-03-2024)       sina: Whisper we need a reunion server (2:02 AM 20-02-2024)       sina: Good time (2:01 AM 20-02-2024)       J0K3R^: hi guys how are u all , server will not be online anymore? (11:00 AM 10-10-2023)       7aZoOoM: hello , such along time , where is the good pepole nook noname ! wrangler ! any new server ! (11:07 PM 10-02-2023)       Wesal(ZeT_PrO.): @Whisper…We will help you . (2:32 PM 12-10-2022)        [click to chat / post a photo]

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