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To check your status: - Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_my_status and press enter.
This command will show you the following (on daily basis):
1) Your current level.
2) Number of times you changed maps.
3) Total minutes you donated to others.
4) Total money you donated to others.
5) Number of times you activated Solo Gunner mode.
6) Number of times you activated Ghost Walkers mode.
To change the map: - Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type amx_map mapname and press enter.
Example: amx_map de_dust2
Note: to list all the available maps on the server, type maps * in the console.
To activate solo gunner mode:
- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_solo_gunner or dpts and press enter.
To activate ghost walkers mode:
- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_ghost_walkers or dptg and press enter.
To donate your money and minutes:
- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_donate or dptd and press enter.
- Close the console and follow the menu that will appear on the screen.
To check your status: - Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_my_status and press enter.
This command will show you the following (on daily basis):
1) Your current level.
2) Number of times you changed maps.
3) Total minutes you donated to others.
4) Total money you donated to others.
5) Number of times you activated Solo Gunner mode.
6) Number of times you activated Ghost Walkers mode.
To change the map: - Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type amx_map mapname and press enter.
Example: amx_map de_dust2
Note: to list all the available maps on the server, type maps * in the console.
To use admin chat commands:- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- To send a centered message, type in the console: amx_csay color message.
- To send a left-sided message, type in the console: amx_tsay color message.
Example 1: amx_csay red How is everybody doing?
Example 2: amx_tsay blue Salaaaaam All
To use admin kick command:
- Type amx_kick nickname in the console to kick.
- If the player you want to kick has spaces in his nickname, put his/her nickname between quotes.
Example 1: amx_kick Whisper
Example 2: amx_kick "Dubai Hacker"
To activate solo gunner mode:
- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_solo_gunner or dpts and press enter.
To activate ghost walkers mode:
- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_ghost_walkers or dptg and press enter.
To donate your money and minutes:
- Load the console (usually the ~ key).
- Type dpt_donate or dptd and press enter.
- Close the console and follow the menu that will appear on the screen.