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The following rules apply on Silver and Golden Players. Failure to comply with these rules could result in account suspension.
- Silver and Golden players can change the map without requesting permission from administrators.
- Silvers and Goldens will not have the option to change the map before the current map is played at least 14 minutes.
- If an administrator has already started a map vote, the server will automatically block Silvers and Goldens from changing the map.
- Silver and Golden players are not allowed to share their accounts with anyone else. Silvers and Goldens who get caught sharing accounts will be suspended for 15 days for the first time, and suspended permanently if repeated.
- Golden players are only allowed to kick players who use aimbot, speedhack, trick the afk kicker to avoid being kicked, or say bad words. Golden players are NOT allowed to take action against wallers, reconnectors. Taking care of wallers is the job of administrators only. [modified on 03-09-2012]
- Golden players are allowed to use the kick command ONLY when the administrators are not online.
- If a Silver / Golden player doesn't show up in the server for 30 consecutive days without excuse, his/her account will be suspended without prior notice. You must inform the administration by e-mail that you will be leaving the server for x amount of days with a clear excuse BEFORE you leave. In other words, you can't disappear for 30 days and later come and provide an excuse, it will be rejected. [modified on: 23-1-2012 - changed 45 to 30 consecutive days]
- According to the vote, Silvers / Goldens who get caught walling or ghosting will be suspended for 15 days for the first time, and suspended permanently if repeated.
- According to the vote, Silvers / Goldens who get caught insulting others or saying bad words will be suspended for 24 days for the first time, and suspended permanently if repeated.
- If a Silver or Golden requests that he/she no longer wants to be Silver or Golden and asks to be removed, he/she will be removed according to his/her request and it will be final. Asking to be Silver or Golden again the next day "I changed my mind, please return me back to Silver or Golden" will be rejected.
- A map cannot be played again unless 3 other different maps are played. In other words, Silvers and Goldens should select a map that is not in the /previousmap_list's last 3 maps list otherwise the server would deny the map change request. This rule ensures that different maps are played throughout the day rather than sticking to the same common maps every time. Direct to the point, this rule helps in solving problems such as "Why do we always play de_dust2 and de_inferno? Can't we play different maps?" [modified on: 31-3-2014 - changed from 5 to 3 maps]
- According to the vote, Silvers & Goldens will not be able to change the map to any awp map if the current played map is also an awp map. (ex: You can't change to awp_india if the current map is awp_neons).
- Donate your minutes on your own responsbility. No one is forced to donate you back your minutes even if promised. Complaints such as "I donated 50 minutes to someone who promised to return my minutes back but he/she didn't" will be rejected and ignored without notice.
- The server will not allow you to change to fy_pool_day, 35hp_2, and aim_headshot if the server has more than 10 players.