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The following commands can be used while playing Counter-Strike by everyone . Some commands are common in all servers and some commmands are exclusively used in Dubai Play Time.
- timeleft
Displays the time remaining for the current map. |
- /admins
Lists all administrators currently online. |
- /silverplayers or /silvers
Lists all silver players currently online. |
- /goldenplayers or /goldens
Lists all golden players currently online. |
- /all
Lists all administrators, golden, and silver players currently online. |
- /rank
Displays your rank based on your kills/deaths.
- /top15
Displays the top 15 players based on their kills/deaths.
- /top15_time
Displays the top 15 players based on their total playing time in the server. Players who are inactive for more than 20 days will have their time record deleted from the database.
- /top15_knifers
Displays the top 15 players arranged by their total knife kills.
- /my_time or /mt
Displays your current playing time on the server and your total playing time too. Your playing time is saved meaning that it will be loaded even if you disconnect and connect to the server after some time. Players who are inactive for more than 20 days will have their time record deleted from the database.
- /my_knife_kills or /mkk
Displays your total knife kills.
- /hp
Displays details about your killer and the damage he/she did to you.
- nextmap
Displays the next map that will be played. However, if an administrator is online and votes for the next map, the voted map won't be reflected on /nextmap.
- votemap
This command must be issued in the console, not in the normal chat field. Use this command to vote for a certain map that you'd like to play. If more than half the players vote for a certain map, the server will load the voted map.
First issue the votemap command to see a list of the maps and each map's id, then issue votemap map id to vote for a partciular map.
Example: votemap 3 will vote for de_dust2.
- /previousmap
Displays the previous map played (before the current one).
- /previousmap_list or /pml
Displays the last 10 maps played including time of change.