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Silver and Golden players are new account levels introduced to the server. They have unique features that distinguish them from normal players. Although they have some commands similar to administrators' commands, Silver and Golden players are not
administrators yet they are one step above normal players.
Note: Silvers can be identified in-game by issuing the /silverplayers command and /goldenplayers for the Goldens.
- Change map 3 times per day.
- Change map 6 times per day.
- Own a @dubaiplaytime.com e-mail account.
- Own a @dubaiplaytime.com e-mail account
- Nickname reservation (No one else can use his/her nick).
- Nickname reservation (No one else can use his/her nick).
- Get a minimum of $1,550 on the beginning of every round if money is less than $1,550.
- Get a minimum of $2,000 on the beginning of every round if money is less than $2,000.
- Restart the server when it crashes.
- Restart the server when it crashes.
- Activate Solo Gunner Mode 1 time per day.
- Activate Solo Gunner Mode 2 times per day.
- Activate Ghost Walkers Mode 1 time per day.
- Activate Ghost Walkers Mode 2 times per day.
- Donate up to $25,000 per day.
- Donate up to $35,000 per day.
- Donate up to 700 minutes per day.
- Donate up to 1400 minutes per day.
- Use admin chat commands (amx_tsay..etc).
- Whisper Immunity (Can't be banned, kicked, slapped, slain).
- Use the admin kick command.